Using Auxiliary Tools > Graphic Editor > Naming a Graphic

Naming a Graphic

Graphics can be named for resources, locations, and entities, or merely for easier identification. When a named graphic is chosen while building a model, instead of entering a default name, such as Loc1, ProModel will enter the graphic's name, such as Desk. If the name already exists for a location or resource graphic, a number will be appended (Desk1, Desk2, etc.). If the name already exists for an entity graphic, a letter will be appended (ChairA, ChairB, etc.). This will make the model easier to understand and use.

How to name a graphic:

  1. Enter the desired name at the bottom left of the screen where it says “Name.”
  2. Click the Save button to save the named graphic.

Please Note: Correct syntax for location, resource, and entity names should be used when entering a name in the Name field if the graphic is intended to represent locations, resources, or entities. Graphic names are allowed to have spaces which automatically convert to underscores “_” when used for locations, resources, or entities.


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